
  • Our Mission

    To transform homes into spaces where people feel joy, comfort, inspiration, and relaxation - whatever their heart desires!

  • Interior Painting

    No matter the size or scope of your project, Aranda Painting will deliver exceptional results every time.

  • Exterior Painting

    Let us bring your vision to life with craftsmanship, care, and a commitment to exceeding your expectations.

  • Cabinets

    We meticulously prepare and paint every surface, leaving your home spotless and ensuring each project receives our full dedication.

  • Realtors

    We work with the top realtors in our area to get homes ready for the real estate market, and also help their clients who have bought a new home but want to make it their own.

  • Attention to Detail

    At Aranda Painting we take all the steps necessary to prepare your walls, woodwork, or exterior for paint. Its the preparation that will make our work last.

  • Products

    We use only the best paint, primer, and stains available, using our discounted rates to save you money. We are able to match colors or help you find the shade you want.

  • 110%

    We are not afraid to go the extra distance to make your life easier. We will tackle minor carpentry, landscaping, plasterwork, and more to keep your project moving toward the finish-line.

Our Projects

Ready to make your vision a reality?

If you’re ready to get your project rolling. We will come out and take a look at your interior or exterior space. We can give you a free estimate and approximate cost of paint. We will work with you on color or design ideas, and make your ideas come to life.

Improving Homes Since 1994

In each project, we meticulously demonstrate the craftsmanship and attention to detail we utilize at every home. We treat every project as if it were our own, ensuring that each space is not just painted, but is curated with passion and professionalism. Our commitment to creating a specific uniqueness shines through our work, allowing you to experience the artistry we bring to your vision.


  • Jon Aranda


  • Ridley Aranda

    Ridley Aranda

    University of Wisconsin - Whitewater

    School of Kinesiology

    Men’s Tennis Team Four Year Varsity Athlete

    Professional Painter

  • Nick Porfilio

    St. Bonaventure University

    School of Business

    Men’s Lacrosse team Four Year Varsity Athlete

    Professional Painter

What Our Clients Say

  • Hi Jon, The kitchen looks insanely amazing!! I can't handle it!


  • Hey Jon, I just wanted to thank you so much again for this week! The guys did amazing and truly can't tell you how awesome it looks!


  • OMG Thank you!!!! Cumberland looks fantastic!


  • You are the best Jon! We can't thank you enough!

    G & D

  • Thanks Jon! The sellers were very happy and I'm always appreciative of how quickly you move for my clients!


  • Ooooooooomg! Looks so sharp!


  • Thanks for all you are doing for me and my sellers. I appreciate you and so does Gayl!


  • Thank you Jon! You do such a nice job.


  • Thank you for helping us get our house ready for the market! Already getting offers!! It looks so great, you're like a magician.


  • Hi Jon, I was visiting Katie over the weekend and saw your work. The paint job was wonderful, thank you so much! The color is neutral and much brighter than the previous color. They are very satisfied as am I with your workmanship.


  • The place looks great man! You guys always do such a great job. Thanks again for getting us in. Really appreciate it.
